Return Policy

Product Return Policy: Ensuring Customer Satisfaction and Quality Assurance
In the realm of business, where products change hands from manufacturers to resellers, it is imperative to establish a robust product return policy that not only safeguards customer satisfaction but also maintains the quality standards of the products distributed. Our company, committed to excellence, has formulated a comprehensive Product Return Policy aimed at facilitating seamless exchanges and ensuring the utmost satisfaction of both resellers and their customers.
Reseller Responsibility: Making Informed Choices
Resellers play a pivotal role in ensuring that products are chosen wisely, aligning their selection with market demand and their own capacity to effectively market the goods. The company encourages resellers to avoid excessive stocking, promoting an environment of efficient inventory management that benefits both resellers and end customers.
Addressing Dissatisfaction and Defects: A Commitment to Quality
In the unfortunate event of dissatisfaction arising from product quality or packaging defects, our Product Return Policy empowers resellers to take prompt action. It is imperative for resellers to initiate contact with the party from whom they procured the product immediately upon receipt or, at the latest, within four weeks from the date of the invoice. This timely communication allows for the expedited resolution of issues and ensures customer satisfaction.
Resellers are required to provide a clear and valid reason for returning the products, along with the returned items and a copy of the original invoice. Moreover, they must complete a Product Return Form, which serves as a vital document in facilitating the return process. This meticulous approach ensures that all relevant information is available for a swift and efficient resolution.
The Return Process: A Seamless Experience
Once the necessary documentation is in place, the reseller can return the products, accompanied by the original invoice, to the company. The company, committed to maintaining the highest quality standards, will promptly replace these products free of charge. It is crucial for the reseller to adhere to this process to ensure that customer satisfaction is upheld.
Cost Allocation: A Fair Approach
It is important to note that any costs incurred during the replacement process for returned stock will be the responsibility of the reseller. This allocation of costs ensures that the burden is shared equitably and that the company can continue to provide quality products and services to its valued resellers.
Buy Back Policy: A Path to Responsible Distribution
In line with our commitment to responsible distribution, our company has instituted a Buy Back Policy for distributors who choose to resign from their distributorship and return products purchased within the last 30 days. This policy is designed to ensure that products are procured wisely and that distributors are encouraged to make informed decisions.
Eligibility Criteria: Quality and Usability
To be eligible for the Buy Back Policy, products must meet certain criteria. They should be in good condition, usable, resalable, unopened, unaltered, and possess a shelf life of at least six months. This stringent criterion ensures that products returned for buyback are suitable for resale and meet the high-quality standards expected by customers.
Refund Process: Fair and Transparent
Upon resignation from the company, the distributor is entitled to a refund for the products they return. However, this refund will be calculated after deducting the amount equivalent to the distributor's cost of the products being returned. Additionally, deductions will be made for any total CBR/Commission paid out by the Company on the original purchase and any free product offers that were included. Furthermore, a 20% service charge will be applied to cover administrative costs.
Promoting Responsible Product Procurement: A Shared Responsibility
The Buy Back Policy serves as a mechanism that places an obligation on both the sponsor and the Company to ensure that distributors make prudent choices when purchasing products. It encourages distributors to maintain a level of responsibility in their procurement decisions, safeguarding the integrity of the distribution network.
Open Box Deliveries: Ensuring Accuracy and Transparency
Open box deliveries can sometimes present challenges, especially when discrepancies or damages are discovered upon receipt. To address these situations, our company has established clear guidelines and procedures.
Reporting Discrepancies and Damages: The First Step
If, during an open box delivery, a reseller receives a product that is different from what was ordered or is damaged, it is crucial to report this immediately to the company through our designated channel, enafruto. Additionally, it is essential to document these issues by obtaining written confirmation from the transporter or courier, including photographic evidence of the open box and any shortages or damages.
Timely Reporting: A Critical Requirement
Claims against open box deliveries must be made within three days of accepting the delivery. This prompt reporting ensures that issues are addressed swiftly and accurately. It is important to note that, once an open box delivery is accepted without obtaining written confirmation regarding shortages and damages, no return or replacement request will be processed, except in cases of manufacturing defects.
Contact Point: Streamlined Communication
For any issues related to dispatch or return, our dedicated support team is readily available. You can contact us through our official website,, ensuring that your concerns are addressed promptly and efficiently.
In conclusion, our Product Return Policy, Buy Back Policy, and Open Box Deliveries procedures are all designed with the utmost consideration for customer satisfaction, product quality, and responsible distribution. We believe that by adhering to these policies, resellers and distributors can not only provide better service to their customers but also contribute to the overall success and reputation of our company. We are committed to excellence in every aspect of our business, and these policies reflect our dedication to maintaining the highest standards of quality and customer care.

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