Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy: Protecting Your Personal Information

Enafruto is dedicated to safeguarding your privacy and ensuring the security of the information you provide to us. Our primary goal is to make your experience on our websites and with our services both productive and safe. We have implemented stringent measures to maintain the confidentiality and security of your data within our system. Our Privacy Policy serves as an extension of our commitment to delivering top-notch products and services with integrity when interacting with our users. This Privacy Policy is intended to help you comprehend how we gather, utilize, and safeguard the personal information you furnish to us, enabling you to make informed decisions while using our site and our products and services. It underscores our unwavering dedication to preserving your privacy and security.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this statement, please reach out to In case you don't receive an acknowledgment of your inquiry or your inquiry remains unsatisfactorily addressed, please contact
What Personal Information We Collect
Enafruto's website serves various functions and collects different types of personally identifiable information (PII), including names, addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers. Furthermore, it allows you to place orders for products and manage your membership. Typically, you can browse our website without providing any PII. However, when making a purchase on the enafruto website, we require you to provide your name, mailing address, billing address, email address, phone number, credit card number, and its expiration date. This information is essential for processing your transaction and notifying you of your order status.
The purpose of is to facilitate shopping for enafruto products. To access most of the website's functionality and make a purchase, you must become a registered member and agree to adhere to our User Agreement. You will receive a unique username and password or can use your existing DWC Login to register as a User and access your account. To become a registered user, we need you to provide your name and a valid, current email address to enable us to contact you when necessary concerning activities related to your account.
Supplementation of Information
To protect your account, we may occasionally supplement the personal information you submitted to us with data from third-party sources. We utilize services from industry leaders to verify your identity, preventing unauthorized access to your account or the company.
Testimonials/Product Reviews
If you submit a testimonial or product review on the DHCPL Sites, please be aware that any personally identifiable information you provide can be viewed, collected, or used by other users of these forums and may lead to unsolicited messages. For testimonials, we obtain the customer's consent before posting their name and video testimonial. If you leave a comment in a public forum, we are not responsible for any personally identifiable information you choose to disclose in these comments. If you wish to remove your personal information displayed on our website's public pages, please contact us at
How We Use Your Information
We may use your email address, mailing address, and/or phone number to offer quality customer support, update you on order status, address product or fulfillment issues, and handle other customer service-related activities. Additionally, we may use your email address, mailing address, and/or phone number to inform you about new product offerings, newsletters, and other aspects of your DHCPL Sites usage. However, if you prefer not to receive such communications, you can "opt-out" at any time, and we will cease further contact.
Periodically, we may request your participation in surveys regarding current or future DWC and DHCPL products or to determine the hours worked at each rank in the compensation plan. Participation in these surveys is entirely voluntary, and survey responses are aggregated, not linked to individuals. While our primary use of survey data is within, we may occasionally share aggregated survey data with our affiliates and development partners to aid in new product development, enhance customer service, and improve overall customer satisfaction.
Agents/Service Providers
We engage third parties, such as shipping companies for order fulfillment and credit card processing companies for billing purposes. We may use Live Chat to assist you with any queries while using our site or regarding your order. When you make a purchase and use our site, we will share your name, address, telephone number, and email address as necessary for the third party to provide their service. These third parties are strictly prohibited from using your personally identifiable information for promotional purposes.
Business Transition
In the event of a business transition, such as a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or part of our assets, your personally identifiable information may be among the transferred assets. You will be notified via email and/or a prominent notice on our website regarding any change in ownership or control of your personal information, along with any choices you may have concerning your data.
Third-Party Tracking Technologies
Some of our business partners utilize cookies on our site. However, we do not have access to or control over these cookies.
Clear Gifs (Web Beacons/Web Bugs)
We may employ clear gifs (also known as Web Beacons or Web Bugs), a software technology that helps us manage content on our site by indicating the effectiveness of specific content. Clear gifs are small graphics with unique identifiers, similar in function to cookies, but embedded invisibly on web pages. Unlike cookies, clear gifs are not stored on a user's computer but are about the size of a period at the end of a sentence. We do not associate the information collected by clear gifs with our customers' personally identifiable information. In our HTML-based emails, we may use clear gifs to track which emails have been opened by recipients, allowing us to gauge the effectiveness of communications and marketing campaigns. If you wish to opt-out of these emails, please refer to our "Choice and Opt-out" section.
Email & "Opt-Out" Policy
We may use your provided email address to contact you regarding various matters, including user registration status, order status and shipping notifications, online customer satisfaction surveys, updates to the website, addition of new products or services, and promotional materials that we believe may be of interest to you. You have the option to change notification preferences in your account settings. If you wish to stop receiving these emails, you can opt-out by submitting your email address to or following the unsubscribe instructions in each email communication.
Protecting Your Personal Information
Only the last four digits of your credit card number are displayed in your account. When placing an order, you can choose whether to have your credit card numbers stored on our system. Please refrain from sending confidential information, such as credit card numbers or account numbers, via email, as emails may not be secure unless we explicitly state security measures are in place. Our SSL protocol also authenticates the DHCPL Sites and prevents unauthorized access. This is achieved through a "digital certificate," essentially an electronic "identity card.
We adhere to industry-standard practices to protect the personal information you provide, both during transmission and upon receipt. However, no method of transmission over the Internet or electronic storage can be guaranteed 100% secure. Despite our efforts to use commercially acceptable means to safeguard your personal information, absolute security cannot be assured.
If you have security-related questions about our website, please contact us at

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